Workshop mit Dr. Heléna Tóth: Job Search in the English-speaking Academic World
Different academic cultures have different rules and expectation when it comes to evaluating applications for a job or a fellowship. The aim of this workshop was to familiarize the participants with resources for jobs/fellowships and also with some basic principles, which help to avoid the pitfalls that applicants encounter while trying to translate between languages and academic cultures. The first half of the workshop reviewed the most important rules that applicants have to keep in mind while they prepare their material for submission to the British and the American jobmarket. In the second half of the workshop, we discussed the individual documents applicants had to prepare (c.v., cover letter, statement of teaching philosophy, etc.)
The themes of the workshop included:
the logistics of application
a. a basic outline of the application process in Great Britain
b. a basic outline of the application process in the United States
c. preparing for the international job seach at the home institution
the content of the application
a. the challenges of translating between academic cultures
b. the cover letter
c. the c.v.
d. other documentation the applicants could be expected to submit
Die Beschreibung des Workshops können Sie auch herunterladen (PDF-Dokument, 73,1 KB).